Card Systems Have Revolutionized the Multi-Housing Laundry
Cashless laundry equipment is becoming much more common. Some prefer the convenience of a card system over a coin-operated machine. The laundry card system eliminates quarters and all associated hassles from the modern multi-housing laundry room. The laundry card systems are a private issue, debit card system where customers place money on the card before the card is used, and the card can only be used in your laundry rooms.

Advantages of the Laundry Card:
- Laundry Cards are fun & hi-tech - Forget hunting around for quarters, just swipe the smart card, and the washer or dryer starts - by magic! Customers will spend more money in a card-operated laundry room.
- No more fumbling with quarters - Laundry cards eliminate the need for any quarters!
- Budget money for Laundry Day - Once the money is placed on the laundry card the value never diminishes or disappears. The funds are there forever or until the customer uses them. This is a great way to budget for life's basic necessities.
- Eliminate Vandalism - With no quarters in the machines, no machine vandalism.
Laundry Cards offer Ownership Additional Advantages:
- Satisfied customers - Once customers learn the routine, they all love the ease and convenience of the Laundry Card.
- Several different Payment Options - Multi-housing laundry owners can choose to have their tenants just use currency to add value onto their laundry cards, Credit & Debit & EBT cards for adding value, or a combination of both. Each option has pros & cons so be sure to discuss your options with your HK Sales specialist,
- Penny Increment Pricing - Washer and dryer vend prices can now be set in penny increments. This allows the owner to tweak prices according to increases in utility costs, (just like gas stations do). This is especially helpful in "shared revenue" accounts where both parties benefit from small increases.
- No More Quarters - This is a huge convenience for your residents. No more hunting & scrounging around for quarters. This also will keep more tenants in the building to do their laundry and provides more revenue for the building.
- 100% Audit-ability - How can any business run in today's competitive marketplace unless you know your true business numbers? Laundry Card systems assure that every dollar collected is a dollar reported.
- Customer Loyalty - Your laundry card system will only work with your Laundry room. This creates customer loyalty and keeps your customers spending their money within the building.
- Less Down Time - With a card system we eliminate the coin mechanism which can be one of the most common problem areas of washer and dryer repairs. Generally, card systems are more reliable than quarter operated stores.

There are several advantages for using technology:
- Satisfied customers - Once customers learn the routine, they all love the ease and convenience of the laundry card system.
- 100% Convenience - Whether a customer prefers currency, credit or debit, or EBT card provides the ultimate in convenience by accepting all types of payment,
- 100% Audit-ability – All of the revenue for the entire laundry room can easily be monitored remotely from the board president's tablet to the property manager's computer or laptop. How can any board operate a cash business and maintain fiduciary responsibility?
- Laundry Card systems are "brother-in-law proof" - How does a volunteer board operate a cash business and have controls on collecting, counting & depositing cash? Worried about a super with "sticky fingers"? With a laundry card system, you have created an automated control system for your cash business. No one touches the cash.
- Unlimited number of locations - With quarter-based laundromats, there are only so many hours in the day to collect and process quarters. With a card-operated laundromat, you can have 1 or 100 card-operated laundry rooms and still be able to control your business. It's just not that simple with quarters.
- Email Alerts when your system goes down - If you lose your internet this is a problem in accepting credit & debit card transactions. You can get an email notification if there is a problem with your internet service.
- Customer Loyalty -Your laundry card system will only work with your laundromat. This creates customer loyalty and keeps your customers coming back again and again.
- Laundry Alert - A networked laundry room has the ability to be viewed on a web portal where the residents can see which machines are operating and when they will be done. No more lugging heavy loads of laundry only to find that all of the washers are in use. Technology to the rescue.
- Instant Refunds – Now with a laundry card system if a customer calls up with a problem, you can start their machine or credit their account instantly. Things go wrong all the time, how you handle the customers and how fast they get resolution determines your customer’s impression of your business. The faster the response, the greater the satisfied customer. Card systems are the tools of the present and the future that will allow the laundromat owner to leverage their time and efforts in operating successful Laundromats.
Please contact HK Laundry to see how a card system could work in your building.
Learn more about multi-housing laundry by visiting our FAQ (frequently asked questions).