What are the differences between a Coin operated Laundromat and a Card operated Laundromat? Karl Hinrichs of HK Laundry Equipment discusses the advantages and dis-advantages of both the Coin operated and Card operated laundry systems. The Coin operated Laundromat accepts only quarters and has great customer acceptance, but also is a hassle for Laundromat owners to process quarters.
With quarters, you need to collect from each machine, fill bill changers and you need to handle heavy bags of quarters. The card operated Laundromat accepts both bills, debit cards and credit cards. The card operated store has penny increment pricing and there is a tremendous amount of customer loyalty with the card system.
In addition there are lots of different promotions available with the card operated store including Time of Day specials, Big Bill Bonuses, Loyalty Punch Cards, Free Drying Credits and Coupons. A card operated Laundromat allows for 100% audit ability and remote monitoring. Laundry card systems allow you to monitor and manage many Laundromats at once.