Middletown - Sheeley's Laundromat & Car Wash
Wash Co(mpany) Combination Car Wash & Laundromat
High Speed Huebsch Galaxy 600 Washers & Dryers
Impressive state-of-the-art 4000 sf Laundromat
Plenty of open space for customers & kids
Glass on 3 sides to provide tons of natural light & scener.
Laundromat uses the ESD Synergy Laundry Card system.
Wash Co has a full length full servce McNeil Car Wash and Free vacuuming for all CW customers.
Washer & Dryer use the Green Citron Huebsch graphics and the Chrome doors.
Full sized Double Automatic Sliding Doors create a great air lock.
Center Island has 2-80 lbs. washers flanking a 100 lbs. washer.
Vision Large product Soap Dispenser with a Big Bill Breaker
4 Acre site built on a heavily traffiked Route 17M in Middletown, NY