This is a quick video about the Insurance Basics for Laundromats. HK Laundry Equipment President Karl Hinrichs talks with Bob Kirkwood of Kirkwood Insurance about the ins and outs of insurance, inclu...
As a Laundromat business owner, it’s your responsibility to stay on top of your Laundromat insurance policy and payments. HK Laundry Equipment President Karl Hinrichs talks with Bob Kirkwood of Kirkwo...
What are some of the things we can do to reduce our Insurance Premiums? Obviously there is coverage, replacement or actual cost and deductible. There are areas where you may jeopardize your insurance ...
Have you experienced a loss at your Laundromat? Were you not sure what steps to take afterwards? In this video, Karl Hinrichs talks with Bob Kirkwood of Kirkwood Insurance about the steps to take afte...
When should you consider hiring a public Insurance Adjuster? What will a public adjuster cost? When is hiring a professional necessary with your Laundromat claim?
In this video, Karl Hinrichs talks with Bob Kirkwood about the difference between a Laundromat insurance agent vs. and insurance broker. Bob explains that an insurance agent is legally responsible to...
As a Laundromat business owner, it’s important to know that "off the books" payments can lead to issues if and when it comes time to report an insurance claim. Bob Kirkwood explains the problems that...